Agent Steel – “No Other Godz Before Me” Review

Agent Steel No Godz Before Me Review

To review “No Godz Before Me” from Agent Steel I will be quoting the Cher song “Believe” NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY… I cannot ignore that I’m looking at one of the worst albums covers ever. Hard to imagine an entire band looking at this cover and thinking “Oh Yeah, this is it!!!” unless…

Flotsam & Jetsam – “Blood in the Water” Review

Flotsam and Jetsam Blood in the Water review

A new level of dark Here we have the 14th studio album by Flotsam & Jetsam entitled “Blood in the Water” released in June of 2021.This album is a perfect mix of thrash and dramatic emotion. Is much darker than their usual musical delivery and almost bordering power metal more than ever before, in my…

Massacre – “Resurgence” Review

Massacre - Resurgence review

Death metal and H.P Lovecraft share a very special bond. Early works of Obituary, Nile, Nocturnus, Deicide and Morbid Angel were clearly inspired by it beyond a doubt. Massacre from Florida has been almost exclusively represented by the cosmic horror and other worldly forms of terror since their strong debut in 1991. However there is…