Sorry folks…. no overly exacting or over-wordy “Best of…” list this year. I’m too lazy, and I always inevitably forget to include albums purely because they slipped my mind, only to remember them later on when I read other and frankly better written lists, haha! No, this is just a quick monthly break-down of cool things that came out that I enjoyed, killer videos that crossed my path, and stuff that made me happy this year.

Holy crap, is it 2023, or 1993?
The year started off with a huge bang, with a supremely killer Old School Death Metal release from San Diego’s Conjureth. I really enjoyed their previous album, and 2023’s “The Parasitic Chambers” is more of the same: all killer and no filler!

Paul Gilbert has been a card-carrying guitar hero since forever, but rarely has he done anything that really knocks my boots off or blows my skirt up. A lot of “ghee-tar weedly-wee”, but not much in the way of certified ass kickin’.
But him doing a Dio tribute album – with the vocals cleverly replicated with his insane guitar chops…, now this is right up my alley.

San Diego’s own homegrown thrashers Nukem came out with a killer track this year, featuring great solos from not only both Steve and Laura, but also a guest solo from Exodus‘ Gary Holt. So many sick riffs and so much bad assery!

Speaking of thrashy riffs, this year Overkill came out with their 135th album. Oops, maybe that’s an exaggeration lol!
But seriously, these Jersey guys have never put out a bad album, and this one for 2023 has lots of great riffs and great tracks. Yes, they are dependable and overly reliable, but in a very good and very thrashy way!

May’s highlight, and frankly one of the biggest highlights of 2023 in my opinion, was when Cattle Decapitation‘s “Terrasite” issued forth upon this plane of existence.
I confess that “Death Atlas” never really 100% worked for me. Maybe because of it coming with some COVID-19 baggage in my mind. But “Terrasite” stays with me for days and weeks — an album that keeps me jazzed each and every time I throw it on!

June brought us Voivod fans a nice treat: “Morgoth Tales”. I generally avoid “old band re-recording their old songs for a quick buck” releases. (Cavalera, I’m looking at you lol!).
But this is a neat package, with not-really-new-kids Chewie and Rocky helping put some cool new spins on some great older Voivod songs. They also did one new track, an “anthology”-type song, that drops tons of references to their large catalog of songs over the past 40 years. A warm and caring love letter to the fans, from the same band that once screamed “Fuck Off And Die!” 😛

July was very hot here in San Diego, but was also the month that San Diego’s Necrochamber posted a very cool video for the frosty Black Metal song “Lunar Hallucinations”.
With the help of our very own Brian Parker, my good buddy Nocturnal Overlord gives us a cold, grim, and violent view of the world after dark. Very cool!

Holy crap, is it 2023, or 1983?
August brought forth a new-to-me band from Germany. This album from Cruel Force is about as “Ye Old Speed Metal” as it gets, and I’m all about it!

This year was crazy busy for me for work and my various trips (for fun and/or pleasure): Florida (x2), The Philippines (x2), Hawaii (x2), Italy, Japan, Spain…, plus side trips to Switzerland, Monaco, and Malta…, and a family visit to Maryland, too.
With all of that travel, I got to read a lot, and sometimes catch up on some good tunes. One of the cooler finds was how Philippines Airlines has a really nice free in-flight music selection. I spent a fair amount of a 10 hour flight in September listening to good stuff, such as this live album from Dream Theater:

Xoth is a rather insane Tech Death outfit from Seattle WA that I’ve enjoyed over the years. But even that didn’t prepare me the interstellar multi-dimensional coolness of this album!
So many crazy good riffs and passages, masterfully played and laid out in a cosmic grand array for Grade-A coolness, start to finish. I’m hearing new and killer things each and every time I listen to this. “Exogalactic” is clearly my #1 pick for 2023!

Sadus is a band that has been in my heart and mind for a very long time. I grew up in Concord CA, which is a bullshit Bay Area suburb a bit closer to Sadus‘ hometown of Antioch. At the time, they were maybe too fast/aggressive for the Bay Area Thrash Metal scene, and a bit out of the loop in the proto-Death Metal scene.
They peaked around 1992, put out some less impressive albums in 1997 and 2006, and were left for dead until popping out of nowhere last year with a great single.
Flash forward to 2023, Sadus is firmly back in action, and sounding amazing!

December is normally a slow album release month. But two legends from Greece chose the end of the year to release their respective new beasts: Varathron‘s “The Crimson Temple”…, and Sakis Tolis‘ “The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse – (Revelation 5:7)“.
The former has never done wrong in my book, while the later — going here by the moniker of “χ ξ ς'” — has had some minor fumbles with his later Rotting Christ albums. FFS: enough of the ritualistic chanting already, lol!
But here and now, it’s two-for-two for the Grecian Black Metal duo, and I can’t get enough of these two albums as the year winds to a close.

If you made it this far, great! Thanks for reading, and let me know what I got right and/or wrong haha! Here’s to a great 2023 and a better 2024 – Cheers!!