Another year of heavy metal has come and gone. There was a TON of music that came out this year, some were absolute gems and others I wouldn’t wipe my ass with.

So many enjoyable albums were released this year that my list went through multiple changes and re-writes, it doesn’t even resemble what I started with.

Here are my picks for the best metal albums of 2022. All opinions are my own and irrefutable. If you disagree, it’s because you are wrong.

Enchantment – Cold Soul Embrace

  • A true comeback album.
  • Scratches that itch for the old “Peaceville sound”.
  • For fans of Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Anathema.

The Chasm – The Scars Of A Lost Reflective Shadow

  • For fans of Shub Niggurath, Timeghoul, Nocturnus.
  • The previous album received unnecessary flak for being an instrumental. This album should right that train for all you naysayers.

Moonlight Sorcery – Piercing Through The Frozen Eternity

  • An excellent, icy-offering of melodic black metal to soothe your evil heart.
  • An EP, but can’t wait for a full length.
  • A great follow-up for those who enjoyed last years Stormkeep’s “Tales Of Othertime”

Corpsessed – Succumb To Rot

  • A welcome inclusion for any playlist of cavernous, death metal.
  • Haunting, memorable riffs.
  • For fans of Father Befouled, Tomb Mold, Krypts, Incantation

Nite – Voices Of The Kronian Moon

  • A good black ‘n’ roll album? You don’t say?!
  • For fans of Venom, Cloak, Motorhead.

Jade – The Pacification Of Death

  • A late addition (released November 25), but hot damn this took me by surprise.
  • Dripping with atmosphere with death/doom riffage.
  • For fans of Hooded Menace, Tchornoborg.

Sigh – Shiki

  • Difficult to explain, but it’s Sigh. As a friend said, this is a “toned down version of Sigh; more accessible”.
  • It’s weird and otherworldly – yet familiar at the same time.
  • For fans of Celtic Frost, Venom, Sabbat.

Vile Rites – The Ageless

  • Technical and fast with just enough “weirdness” to stand out on their own.
  • For fans of Cynic and Sadus,

Ataraxy – The Last Mirror

  • The record is paced very well, exploring all the elements of death/doom. It can be fast, slow and melodic at the right moments.
  • For fans of Hooded Menace, Temple Of Void.

Mother Of Graves – Where The Shadows Adorn

  • Bro.. Put this in your earholes now.
  • For fans of Dan Swano, early era Katatonia,

Great, But Not Quite There…

  • Grafvitnir – “Tunes Of Sitra Ahra”
  • Hellfrost And Fire – “Fire, Frost and Hell”
  • Temple Of Void – “Summoning The Slayer”
  • Agathodaimon – “The Seven”
  • Bloodbath – “Survival of the Sickest”
  • Cosmic Putrefaction – “Crepuscular Dirge For The Blessed Ones”
  • Disma – “Earthendium”
  • Altars – “Ascetic Reflection”
  • Kampfar – “Til Klovers Takt”
  • Ripped To Shreds “Jubian”
  • Pensees Nocturnes – “Douce Fange”
  • White Ward – “False Light”
  • Dream Unending – “Song Of Salvation”
  • Worm – “Bluenothing”