Toxik – Dis Morta

If you ever wondered what it would sound like if Steve Vai joined a late-80s thrash band, then they all fell into a pile of cocaine, then I have the album for you. This thing shreds. It’s relentless. It’s utterly shameless. At every single point where they could have decided “no, that’s enough”, they instead decided “let’s do even more”. Check out “Feeding Frenzy” or “Creating The Abyss”. (These guys aren’t on Bandcamp, so you’ll have to listen somewhere else.)

Belphegor – The Devils

Stately wide-screen black metal that isn’t afraid to slow down and let everything breathe. Belphegor has gone from frantic black metal to something more deliberate and moody. There’s still some riffs, but there’s more Satan-glorifying vibes. Check out “Damnation: Höllensturz” or “Virtus Asinaria: Prayer” on Bandcamp.

In Pain – The Thing from the Grave

Old-school high-gain Entombed-core, all riffs and groove and horror movie samples, turn the pedals up to 12 and let it rip. Like most of this stuff, it sounds like being chased with a chainsaw through drainage tunnels. Try “Witchcraft” or “Cannibal Feast” on Bandcamp. (If you don’t like the horror movie samples but like the angry beehive guitars, try Demonical – Mass Destroyer. If you like the horror movie samples but prefer the guitars with more chug, let me recommend Heads For The Dead – The Great Conjuration.)

Early Moods – Early Moods

Retro doom smashed into heavy metal, big fuzzed-out guitars and slow tempos and clean lyrics. Surprisingly heavy and easy to jam out to. These dudes are young, and their grandparents might have rocked out to their musical influences. Check out “Early Moods” or “Curse the Light” on Bandcamp.

Nite – Voices of the Kronian Moon

Black ‘n roll, double guitar harmonies and big choruses, and a vocalist that sounds like that creepy guy who lived in the trailer down the road and smoked three packs a day and would tell you about the lizard people after he bought you beer at the 7-11. Check out “Last Scorpion” or “The Trident” on Bandcamp.

Hath – All That Was Promised

Jagged angular death metal, with just enough twists and turns to keep from ever setting into a groove. Hits like a bag of cement. Check out “Kenosis” or “Name Them Yet Build No Monument” on Bandcamp.

Rounding up to ten

Here are four more, just to round up to ten for the year: