Meat And Potatoes

Cannibal Corpse are back in 2023 with another blood-soaked slab of metal. Chaos Horrific is due out September 22nd, 2023 on Metal Blade Records.

As y’all know, Cannibal Corpse are one of the biggest death metal acts around, you might even say “popular” with their violent and obscene lyrics, graphic artwork that would send kids to the principles office; yes, I was sent to the principles’ office for wearing a Gallery Of Suicide shirt to school. Cannibal Corpse even made it in feature film. The story has been told a thousand times, CC was featured in the film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective at the request of Jim Carrey; it might be your introduction to the band, even the genre.

I don’t believe this to be a controversial statement or “hot take”, but Cannibal Corpse peaked in the 90s. It’s no argument they were at their highest with “Tomb of the Mutilated” and “The Bleeding” and have not seen the same level of success since.

More Meat….

If anything, Cannibal Corpse have been work horses, releasing a full length roughly every 2-3 years. Let’s fast forward to 2021 with “Violence Unimagined”. This album came right after the COVID-19 pandemic, seeing the largest gap between albums in the bands history, 4 years. In my opionion, VU benefited with the extra time, the album had a “fresher” feel, the production more raw than previous releases, such as the album prior, “Red Before Black” which I found to be kind of boring. “Violence Unimagined” is still the same “meat and potatoes” death metal, it just had a dash more salt and pepper.

So what about this new album? “Overlords Of Violence” opens album opens with Alex Websters’ signature bass grooves, followed by George Fisher’s gutterals and signature fry-screams. “Chaos Horrific” does have my favorite guitar line-up, Erik Rutan and Rob Barrett (same as previous album). I personnaly enjoy Rob Barrets style over others; which is where my enjoyment of this record comes from, the guitar solos.

It is quite obvious Cannibal Corpse writing is a bit formulaic, going to back to the same well again and again. Rob Barret and Erik Rutan excell at writing guitar solos and it is where “Chaos Horrific” shines.

…And More Potatoes

At the end of the day,“Chaos Horrific” is still “meat and potatoes” death metal with the same amounts of salt and pepper as the previuos release; you might say this is “Violence Unimagined: Part 2“. It’s well produced, non-offensive riffs, solid rhythm section, not a terrible way to spend 40 minutes.

My Rating Scale

1 Star: STAY AWAY. Far away.

2 Stars: Major flaws but you gave it a chance. Destined for the bargain bin.

3 Stars: Overall, it’s okay despite some obvious flaws. Fanboys can get enjoyment out of it it but someone who is more critical may have an issue with it. Buy at a discount or while on sale.

4 Stars: Nearly perfect. A must listen and well suited to add to your collection.

5 Stars: BUY IT NOW, no questions asked. I don’t care if you don’t like [insert genre]

Band: Cannibal Corpse
Album: Chaos Horrific
Worldwide Release: September 22, 2023
Label: Metal Blade Records
Favorite Track: Pitchfork Impalement
My Rating 3.5/5

Check out Chaos Horrific below!

  • Pre-order your CD HERE @ Metal Blade Records official US distributer, Indiemerch.
  • You can also find them on the Metal Blade Records Bandcamp page, here.

In Other News…

Our fearless leaders, Brian Parker and Israel Palayo are having an online yard sale, offloading classic Metal Swapmeet merch on the cheap. Links and sale information can be found here.

My favorite time of the year is approaching, and IT IS COMING FAST, its the MOTHERFUCKING METAL SWAP MEET! On October 21, 2023 be prepared to get blasted with beer, meat and HEAVY METAL at Protector Brewery 8680 Miralani Dr, San Diego CA. 92136. Tons of opportunities to meet new and old friends, thumb through the album racks and pick up that record you’ve been searching for, come and see the unholy and almighty NIGHT DEMON or just stop by my booth and say “hi!” and talk metal.

Stay tuned to the Metal Swap Meet Facebook group as well as this very website for future updates.