My list of top metal albums of 2021 was a little harder to put together than I expected. There were a lot more albums released this year than I realized, some of which I still haven’t listened to yet. Essentially, I created this list by going through the metal albums albums I listened to this year and selected the 10 best that I got the most fun and enjoyment from.

Here is my list, in no particular order.

Ruadh – “Eternal”

There’s bagpipes!

Ruadh has been busy, putting out 3 full lengths in 3 years. “Eternal” I believe to be their best effort with an improved production over previous releases. Ruadh’s nature filled black metal fits in perfectly in the atmospheric black metal crowd, standing right up there with the likes of Saor and Winterfylleth.

Frozen Soul – “Crypt Of Ice”


Frozen Soul played locally in San Diego on November 16, 2021. I am pissed that I missed this show. Yes, Frozen Soul keep getting the “Bolt Thrower” comparison and according to 3 wet farts on Metal Archives, the album is “uninspired” and “over-hyped”. I wholeheartedly disagree. Check out “Crypt Of Ice” for your self.

Seth – “La Morsure Du Christ”

Blistering, speedy black metal.

An album cover sure to upset some. Art portraying the burning of the iconic Catholic cathedral, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris that occurred in April of 2019. “La Morsure Du Christ” is oppressive and unholy, guitar leads make this a memorable and blasphemic event.

1914 – “Where Fear And Weapons Meet”

The art of storytelling through music.

Holy shit, I was not expecting this. Their previous work, “The Blind Leading The Blind” put 1914 on my map, a solid release of blackened-death metal putting Behemoth to shame. However, “Where Fear And Weapons Meet” upgraded from mortar shells to a fucking nuke; the title of the album being its only weak point. Check out Todd’s excellent review.

Monolord – “Your Time To Shine”


Slowing down on my next pick, “Your Time To Shine” was a nostalgia trip for me. It’s true I did not grow up in the stoner sixties and seventies, but I was raised by Black Sabbath none the less. If you need a fix for stoner-doom, Monolord can scratch that itch.

Oxygen Destroyer -“Sinister Monstrosities Spawned By The Unfathomable Ignorance Of Humankind”

Blistering, speedy death metal. And Kaijus.

While small in run time, clocking in at just over 29 minutes, “Sinister…” packs a Godzilla-sized punch to your face. Each song representative or paying tribute to Japanese movie monsters. Oxygen Destroyer’s death metal is fast and thrash-y.

Stormkeep – “Tales Of Othertime”

I like it, I love it, I want some more of it

This is my album this year. Stormkeep’s debut album “Tales Of Othertime” is the one that I had the most enjoyment listening to; it was a pure treat of ye olden days of black metal. You can read my full review here.

Worm - Foreverglade cover art

Worm – “Everglade”


Build and release of tension; dripping with atmosphere. I can only describe this album as dank. I also reviewed this album, you can read it here.

Helloween – “Helloween”

Kai Hansen is on it. Go buy it.

I prefer the early, thrash-y side of Helloween, Blind Guardian, etc. Their self-titled release for 2021 has those moments and more. And Kai Hansen is back.

Autumn Nostalgie – “Ataraxia”

Hard to explain, but I get “The Cure” vibe.

Following up from what would been my “Album Of The Year 2020”, Autumn Nostalgie’s “Esse Est Percipi”. They return with “Ataraxia”, a melancholic black metal album that oddly reminds me of “The Cure”. Don’t ask me to explain that.

Thats it! That is my top metal albums of 2021. Let me know what your top list is in the comments below or on the Facebook page.