Panzer Attack!!
The seminal Colorado heavy metal quintet, Jag Panzer, have returned with their 11th full length, “The Hallowed“, releasing Friday June 23rd, 2023 on Atomic Fire Records. Jag Panzer first formed in 1981 releasing the critically acclaimed debut, “Ample Destruction” in 1984.
I’m gonna be straight with you. Throughout my metal journey, the “heavy metal” genre was just outside of my wheelhouse. Sure I enjoyed the likes of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Dio; I leaned more towards the extreme sub-genres: black metal, death metal, etc, only within the last 15 years or so have I been going back and self-discovering the ancient roots of metal. I preface with this because “The Hallowed” is my first Jag Panzer album. Having heard the name in conversations, zines, and billed on festivals. I even remember them headlining a Metal Swap meet a few years ago; but I never really gave them a chance, thinking they were cheesy, heavy metal schlock,
I am dead fucking wrong
and ashamed of myself for having missed out on one of the leaders of the genre. Since listening to “The Hallowed” I have made it a priority to to their back-catalogue and get caught up. I’m getting ahead of myself, back to the review.
Comic Book?
What I didn’t know going in to this album, is “The Hallowed” is a concept album based off a comic book of the same name the band released in 2022. A frozen, post-apocalyptic tale of survival between animals and humans, however it is not a simple re-telling of the comic. The twist is while the comic is told from the perspective of the humans – the album is told from the perspective of the animals. Imagine a retelling of the movie “I Am Legend” but told from the perspective of Will Smith’s dog, Sam. I recommend checking out the mini-doc of the album and comic to see how it all came together, found here.
A Beautiful, Frozen Wasteland
Well, “the album “The Hallowed” doesn’t waste any time getting started, the opening track “Bound As One” pummels you with Rikard Stjernquist‘s double-bass groove and Harry Conklin‘s banshee vocals and frankly, an emotional introduction, “bonding” you to the characters with the opening line, “..we will last through the frost; all the muck and the mire.”
“The Hallowed” continues the characters trek through the wasteland searching for food and shelter on the mid-tempo banger “Prey”; introducing more dangers in the tracks, “Stronger Than You Know” and “Dark Descent” then coming to a conclusion with the 9+ minute epic, “Last Rites”.
“The Hallowed” mixes tempo’s between the thrash-y opening track, “Bound As One” and the doom inspired closing track, “Last Rites”. Musically, I’m not saying the music is “everywhere” or unbalanced, in fact I’m saying the opposite. It is incredibly well-paced; giving you variety without coming off as a jumbled and convoluted mess. It knows what it is and what it isn’t, giving you exactly what was intended. “The Hallowed” sits at 53 minutes, but the pacing, the story, and the all-out, unapologetic heavy metal-ness makes every minute worth it’s stay.
Jag, you don’t know me – I’m just a dork who listens to music, plays video games and occasionally writes an album review. But I beg you as a new fan, please return to this story, this setting, on future releases.
For fans of: Judas Priest, Iced Earth, Omen, Sabaton and Metal Church.

My rating scale:
1 Star: STAY AWAY. Far away.
2 Stars: Major flaws but you gave it a chance. Destined for the bargain bin.
3 Stars: Overall, it’s okay despite some obvious flaws. Fanboys can get enjoyment out of it it but someone who is more critical may have an issue with it. Buy at a discount or while on sale.
4 Stars: Nearly perfect. A must listen and well suited to add to your collection.
5 Stars: BUY IT NOW, no questions asked. I don’t care if you don’t like [insert genre]
Check out “The Hallowed” below!!
Band: Jag Panzer |
Album: The Hallowed |
World Wide Release: June, 23 2023 |
Label: Atomic Fire |
Favorite Track: Bound As One, Dark Descent |
You can check out their socials here, give ’em a follow.
In Other News…
Go check out the recent reviews of Dodheimsgard – “Black Medium Current” and Coffin Mulch – “Spectral Intercession”. Don’t want to spoil too much, but that DHG is already sitting very cozy on my “Best Of 2023” list.
My favorite time of the year is approaching, no its not Halloween, its the MOTHERFUCKING METAL SWAP MEET! On October 21, 2023 be prepared to get blasted with beer, meat and HEAVY METAL at Protector Brewery @ 8680 Miralani Dr, San Diego CA. 92136. Tons of opportunities to meet new and old friends, thumb through the album racks and pick up that record you’ve been searching for, come and see the unholy and almighty NIGHT DEMON or just stop by my booth and say “hi!” and talk metal. Stay tuned to the Metal Swap Meet Facebook group as well as this very website for future updates.
Lastly, go check out what SDMETAL.COM recently had to say about the the Metal Swap Meet.
[…] Brilliantly executed concept album, check out my 5 star review here. […]