On Friday September 13th, Slipknot made their way to the Intuit Dome in Los Angeles to celebrate 25 years of their self titled album! Dubbed “Here Comes The Pain Tour,” it consisted of two sold out nights where the epic band performed “Slipknot” in its entirety. The evening was full of crazy fast headbanging & riffs nonstop!

While entering the dome, an awesome & exciting energy was felt because of all the fans in their seats waiting for what was about to unfold. Upon arriving at the photo pit, the hype got even greater! The fans who made it to the front of the barricade were literally pressed up against it!

After a bit of absorbing the atmosphere, the banner dropped to loud screams of the crowd. Then, the lights dimmed & it got even louder but once the band slowly walked onstage, the entire dome went nuts! It was seriously a “holy s***” feeling!
The “742617000027” tape rolled in to set the mood & the cheers kept on going. Then, newest addition Eloy Casagrande, (rest in peace Joey & salutes to Jay) counted off to the ferocious intro of “(sic).” After that 8 count, BOOM! Everyone in all directions was going wild & just soon after, all of Los Angeles roared the powerhouses first lyrics, “HERE COMES THE PAIN!”

Slipknot then continued to “Eyeless” & “Wait and Bleed” right after. Once the 3rd song ended, it was time for us to leave the front & head to our seats for the rest of the show. More like, experience honestly. But what I can say from witnessing what I did while photographing each individual, is simply just “WOW!”

Every aspect from the member’s performances. production, lighting, audio etc. was absolutely phenomenal & intense. Shout-outs to the venue as well, it was a great choice to make history there.

Upon arriving at my seat, it was really cool seeing the entire place filled. I was in awe. At times, I was paying attention to the fans rather than the band but I don’t mean that in a bad way. That’s a good thing, this is for the fans. It’s to make memories & good ones.

The rest of the show had:
- Get This
- Eeyore
- Tattered & Torn
- Me Inside
- Liberate
- Frail Limb Nursery
- Purity
- Prothstetics
- No Life
- Only One

With an encore of:
- Mudslide
- Spit It Out
- Surfacing
- Scissors

Overall, this night was amazing. Fans from all over getting together to celebrate life & history with Slipknot. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it in time to cover Vended due to SoCal traffic but I did for Knocked Loose. Seriously, if you have not listened to their music or have not gone to one of their shows, you’re doing yourself a disservice!

A BIG thank you to Bailey for the opportunity to cover this event for San Diego to see & we look forward to what Slipknot & Another Side has in the future!

– Knocked Loose:
Bryan Garris – Vocals
Isaac Hale – Guitar
Nicko Calderon – Guitar
Kevin Otten – Bass
Pac Sun – Drums