Raw, Hateful Black Metal
I recently took a business trip to the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, Tennessee. I can’t say much about why I was there, but if you Google what Oak Ridge, Tennessee is known for you might be able to figure out the nature of the trip. On the flight I had some entertainment options: 1) Playing Dragon Quest XI and Persona 4 Golden on my Nintendo Switch, 2) paying overpriced internet to watch YouTube and/or 3) listening to some heavy metal. In my queue I had Thanatomass’ upcoming release, their first full-length “Hades”, due out May 12 on Living Temple Records. With some some groovy tunes to listen to and quests to complete, lets go!
I’m going to be straight-up: This album hates you and your grandma too; a 44-minute barbaric, black metal assault on your ear holes and – patience??
I am vaguely familiar with Thanatomass, from their previous EP, “Darkest Conjurations” in 2020. A no-frills, violent-ridden black metal release – not particularly noteworthy. “Hades”, however, did perk up my ears, but not in a good way.
A Muddy Mass
“Hades” begins with a minute-long intro that consists of – at least intended to be – the sounds of hell. Next up we have the 10 minute track, Templvm Carnalis / Vomit Ceremony. Oh boy. I want to preface this by saying I do enjoy raw and unpolished black metal, it’s one of my favorite genres. We are all fans of the classics “Transylvanian Hunger,” “Nattens Madrigal” as well as the discographies of Judas Iscariot and Xasthur. I will even throw on Archgoat from time to time as a palate cleanser.
So what separates “Hades” from those timeless classics? Balance. Hades is a constant, never-ending jackhammer on my brain. The songs are far longer than they have any right being. The album contains 7 tracks and sits at 44 minutes. Not counting intros and midtros, the average song is 8 minutes. That being said, the length of the songs themselves are not the source of the troubles, the pain comes from the production. It’s flat and LOUD; all of the instruments are on the same “soundstage”. When the song is at full force with drum blasts, the tremolo guitars and guttural vocals, its hard to pick any detail out of the fray. You may be thinking to yourself, “Poppy-cock! Black metal doesn’t need dynamics! It’s supposed to be raw and in your face!” Well, I need to be able to hear and discern it. When I can make out a riff, it often does not stand out enough to compensate for the rest of it’s misgivings.
“Hades” is a difficult listen. Ultimately, it suffers – and it’s listeners too as a result – from it’s production. The intention may be for it to sound cacophonous and straight rom the bowels of hell itself! – but it hurts itself by doing so.
This is certainly not for me but there may be something in it for those who are into this sort of thing, I’m talking to you War Metal heathens. This could be right up your alley, it just didn’t sit with me.

For fans of: Blasphemy, Archgoat and Profanatica.
My rating scale:
1 Star: STAY AWAY. Far away.
2 Stars: Major flaws but you gave it a chance. Destined for the bargain bin.
3 Stars: Overall, it’s okay despite some obvious flaws. Fanboys can get enjoyment out of it it but someone who is more critical may have an issue with it. Buy at a discount or while on sale.
4 Stars: Nearly perfect. A must listen and well suited to add to your collection.
5 Stars: BUY IT NOW, no questions asked. I don’t care if you don’t like [insert genre]
You can listen to “Hades” below if you are so brave:
Band: Thanatomass |
Album: Hades |
Worldwide Release Date: May 12, 2023 |
Record Label: Living Temple Records |
Favorite Track: None |
In Other News…

My favorite time of the year is approaching, no its not Halloween, its the MOTHERFUCKING METAL SWAP MEET! On October 21, 2023 be prepared to get blasted with beer, meat and HEAVY METAL at Protector Brewery @ 8680 Miralani Dr, San Diego CA. 92136. Tons of opportunities to meet new and old friends, thumb through the album racks and pick up that record you’ve been searching for, come and see the unholy and almighty NIGHT DEMON or stop by my booth and say “hi!” and talk metal. Stay tuned to the Metal Swap Meet Facebook group as well as this very website for future updates.
-Eric Reeder 4/29/23